
If you’re not measuring your Customer’s Journey across your digital presence and portfolio, then it’s time to discover when, where, and how they interacted with your brand. Discover more and better data with Industry standard tools like Google Analytics 4, ObservePoint, and Google Tag Manager.

Utilizing validated and verified data, your business can be prepared for in depth or broad analysis on how your brand is performing. You may not always be able to answer the “why”, but with built in Day Zero analytics from 8th Layer, your analyst or team can dig in.

Analytic Platforms are more or less on a continuous integration cycle. Meaning, large major version platform shifts are lesser seen, but they do occur! Take for example the upcoming sunset of Google’s Universal Analytics. Are you prepared for GA4? July 2023 is the deadline for when Universal stops tracking.

Review & Learn
Jump into the future with analytics and insights that govern your businesses digital presence and audience. Be able to unlock doorways that other businesses can’t, by using verified and validated data for true A/B Testing and Optimization. Build the foundations well, so you can accelerate.
Platform Migrations
Upgrade from the widely popular Universal Analytics to the latest from the Cloud.. Google Analytics 4. Universal Analytics will be sunset within the next year and stop collecting hits. In order to maintain growth, you’ll need to upgrade to the new Google Analytics 4
Not using GA at all? We can also migrate you from s_code JavaScript files to Adobe Launch and a fully capable digitalData layer.
Migrate to Upgrade
Be Future Ready
User Centric and Event Driven
Is your analytics siloed, hidden, owned by a 3rd party provider? We focus on First Party data, so your systems can activate on the core essentials of marketing.. Talking to your customer.
First Party Data
Customer Journey Tracking
Ready to get the latest and greates from the big G in the cloud? We’re ready to help you and your business get there.
Start here if you already have an existing website and either have no analytics or want to add Google Analytics to your website to measure:
- What people are doing on the website (customer journey tracking)
- Where they are coming from (channel sources)
- How long do they stay and what pages do they view (engagement data)
- CLICK TRACKING, the ultimate in gaining insight on what your customers WANT
*Does not include Analytics Reporting or CRM integrations
Platform Migrations
User Centric and Event Driven
$4,275.00 – $7,260.00